3 Step Natural Sleep Aid To Cure Insomnia FAST

Insomnia Cure: How To Get The Best Natural Sleep

If you can't sleep through the night, you may find yourself... 
  • tossing and turning...
  • scrolling through social media...
  • getting out of bed...
  • watching television...
It sounds like you have insomnia.

Insomnia is actually a symptom of different triggers, stressors or chronic illness. The lack of sleep only irritates or worsens the original catalyst - your health will deteriorate.

Is that any way to live life?


how to cure insomniaHow Do I Cure Insomnia?

There are numerous remedies to alleviate this symptom...

...some are natural - others not so much.

You could take any of the myriad of prescription medications recommended by your physician. 

Although, the side effects are stunning.

  1. Burning or tingling in the hands, arms, feet, or legs
  2. Changes in appetite
  3. Constipation
  4. Diarrhea
  5. Difficulty keeping balance
  6. Dry mouth or throat
  7. Gas
  8. Headache
  9. Heartburn
  10. Impairment the next day
  11. Mental slowing or problems with attention or memory
  12. Stomach pain or tenderness
  13. Uncontrollable shaking of a part of the body
  14. Unusual dreams
  15. Weakness
That does not include the addictiveness associated with the medications due to your body becoming dependent. 

So let's examine the alternatives...

How Do I Cure Insomnia With All Natural Sleep Aids?

There are so many options to help! You could experiment with...
  • Teas 
  • Yoga 
  • Meditation 
  • Exercise 
  • Limiting Caffeine 
  • Support Groups 
  • Natural Supplements 
  • Dietary Changes
exercise insomnia cure
All of those are wonderful and will benefit you! 

There are 3 powerful changes I discovered you can make to your habits now, that are proven remedies to help you relax and find sleep.

This is the 3 Step Insomnia Cure I've found to work wonders...

1. Remove Social Media (TV, Laptop and More) At Least 1 Hour Before Bed.
2. Meditate With 4-Count Breaths
3. Brew Chamomile & Valerian Root Teas Before Bed

To better explain...

Your electronic devices emit blue light. This light spectrum actually destroys the melatonin naturally in your body and halts the production. 

No melatonin = No Sleep.

Learn more about melatonin here.

Meditation allows your to discover clarity and become interconnected with the body. Practice 4 count breathing exercises by...

1) Count 1,001...1,002...1,003...1,004 on the inhale.
2) Repeat to hold the inhale.
3) Repeat to exhale.
4) Repeat to hold the exhale.

herbal sleep aid
A Chamomile Herbal Blend
You'll notice a tremendous difference in your body's state.

Lastly, with the physical and mental states chemically balanced and relaxed, drinking a herbal tea will  provide immense relaxation.

Chamomile and Valerian Root have been used for centuries to deter insomnia. 

To learn about more all natural sleep aids...

best natural sleep aidFeel free to visit NaturalSleepDiary.com to find the best natural sleep remedies for when you can't sleep.

There are wonderful product reviews, free guides and handbooks to discover the best sleep.

To The Best Of Sleep!

Patrick Jones
My Natural Sleep Diary - Author


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